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Wake Forest Commencement

Your March Checklist

Commencement Regalia

Now is the time! Use the link on the right to place your order now for your cap and gown. Regalia can often take four weeks to arrive, and delays are expected as we approach May.


Discuss commencement weekend ticket needs with your family members and determine the final number of tickets you will need.

Check your WFU email

An email will be sent in early March to each graduating students’ WFU email account that explains the ticket reservation process. Reserve your tickets as soon as possible. 

What do I do next?

After an order has been placed, subsequent online orders or revisions can be made, however, there is a no refund policy for purchased meal tickets.

Each graduate will be allowed up to eight (8) guest tickets. Graduates in their academic regalia do not need a ticket.

Students who need additional tickets to official ceremonies may request them when registering. Students who do not need their full allotment may return tickets to the pool. Extra tickets will be distributed on April 20th.

Important: Fulfillment of ticket requests is contingent upon full clearance to graduate, which is determined by the Office of the University Registrar. Should you fail to meet graduation or participation requirements, we will not be able to satisfy your ticket request.

Visit the Out of the Forest Website

If you haven’t already, please make you visit the Out of the Forest website for additional information on what you need to be thinking about now, as well as learn about what resources are available for you after you leave Mother So Dear.

Your April Checklist

Submit the Name Pronunciation form

All graduating seniors (College BA and BS candidates) are asked to complete the name pronunciation form by April 15. Undergraduate students will receive an email from the registrar’s office with information and the link to record their names. This will ensure that the graduate’s name is pronounced correctly during the commencement ceremony.

Tie up any loose ends with financial aid

Schedule your exit interview with financial aid if applicable. Also, be sure to pay any fines or other financial debts on your student account. Your account must be cleared before graduation.

Create your alumni email account

Sign up for your alumni email account that you will be able to take with you wherever you go.

Your May Checklist

Ticket Download

All pre-registered tickets will be available for download on May 1st.

Check your email often!

The Office of the University Registrar will be sending you emails that contain important information and instructions as the graduation ceremony approaches. Read these carefully and respond appropriately!

Have a cleared account

This will be your last chance to pay any fines or financial debts on your student account. Your account must be cleared before graduation.