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Commencement weekend ticket registration for Undergraduates is now live. All August 2024, December 2024, and anticipated May 2025 graduates should have received an email on March 6th with registration details. While early registration is encouraged, registration will remain open until May 15th. Ticket registration includes Commencement, Baccalaureate, as well as the optional Baccalaureate and Commencement breakfasts.

Ticket Registration

All graduates may register for up to 2 Baccalaureate and up to 8 Commencement Ceremony general admission tickets. There is an additional option to request up to 10 waitlist tickets. Students who do not need their full allotment can donate extra tickets to a pool for students who have requested extras.

Waitlist Tickets

When registering, Graduates can request up to 2 additional Baccalaureate tickets and up to 10 Commencement Ceremony waitlist tickets. Waitlist ticket availability will be confirmed in late April. Please note: Waitlist tickets are only valid for entrance to Hearn Plaza. In the unlikely event of severe weather on Monday, May 19, and a move to LJVM Coliseum, seating is limited and waitlist tickets will not be valid.

Baccalaureate Tickets (May 18)

Graduating students who plan to attend the Baccalaureate Service may request a maximum of 2 guest tickets. Graduating students in cap and gown who process in the processional, do not need a ticket.

Commencement Tickets (May 19)

All students who register for the Commencement ceremony may request up to 8 tickets. Students must order tickets for their guests. Graduating students in cap and gown who process in the processional, do not need a ticket. Current students may use their Wake Forest Student ID in lieu of a ticket to attend the ceremony.

Additional Tickets & E-Tickets

During registration students have the option to request additional tickets and may request up to two (2) additional tickets for the Baccalaureate Service and up to ten (10) tickets for the Commencement Ceremony. Students who do not need all of their allotment may donate any extras at check-out. Donated tickets may not be reclaimed, and any extra tickets will be distributed in late April. Check your registration email for additional details. All E-Tickets for all events will be available for download on May 1st.

Ticket Registration closes on Friday, May 3. Check your email for details.

For additional information on tickets, please visit the Checklist for Graduates page.